Ever wonder what a pig sounds like in mandarin? I do. But I know that it will taste just as delicious no matter what noise it makes. Second round, same as the first, bet y'all didn't know I rehearsed. Meat has been named the second most popular condiment in the united states. How this happens, I have no idea. I would imagine the baconator, filet mignon, bacon in caesar salad, back-bacon on pizza, bacon on pizza, pepperoni on pizza, but these are all pork products. Who says pork barrel products aren't good for the economy? I love pork, but not on all of my food, only some of it.
If one pig tries to blow down my house, I will gut its neck and spill its blood then put it on my hamburger, because that is what grandma would have done.
We went to montreal this weekend for one night only. It rained and I will never go back.