Thursday, April 30, 2009


I really fucking hate hipsters. I really fucking hate religion.

Who honestly likes the taste of PBR. Its like garbage mixed with north korean waste water. I'll tell you who likes it. Those cheap ass tight pants fitting, shutter sunglass wearing, ironic t-shirt, environmentalists. I'm sure those glasses protect your eyes from the sun as much as I enjoy listening to you ramble on about cliches... or how cliche it is to talk about cliches... fuck I hate hipsters. Whenever I talk to a hipster I generally try to ignore the god damn nonsensical garbage spewing from their mouths and try to focus on whatever non-revolting piece of vintage clothing they are wearing and make comments like... oh my god, I love that. Then they stop talking about cliches... or how cliche it is to talk about cliches, and talk about some bullshit about consumerism in the 21st century and how China owns the world. If only they had eidetic memories they could recall that article in Vice magazine and give the reference of some other bullshit hipster that told them said information. Check it out. You buy something, you are a consumer. If you get wasted at a party and steal pizza, you are still consuming, it just costs less. "This is not a t-shirt" t-shirts? My favourite ironic hipster t-shirt. I'm guessing you don't even understand the irony of this statement, because no one actually knows what irony means anymore. In my mind an example of irony would be showing up to church on a monday. It's ironic because normally people would expect to show up on sunday, AND I'm an atheist so what the fuck am I doing in church. Wearing a t-shirt does not make you ironic, stealing pizza does not make you ironic, the fact that you don't have a degree and your mom pays your rent... is fucking hilarious, but still not ironic, because I expected it. Continue to quote Vice magazine as a source of information and style choices and I will punch you in the throat.

So religion... man I'm so exhausted from all that hipster bashing. They tire me out, they really do. Can't we just go back to the good old days of dandy's, thrashers, and skinheads. I miss that. On the way to school today I was approached by two young mormon individuals on the street. They said, "hello" I said, "hello," and he said some bullshit about being missionaries and I said, "no thanks I'm atheist", then he said "maybe we can change your mind" and I said, " I fucking doubt that." Then they walked away. I hate hipsters and mormons so much. Today I thought that I could combine jesus with PBR and make him a hipster. See the comparison in the image, its really amazing.

.... further to this post:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Morse Code

I tell you for a long time I didn't think that architects really knew anything. But call me and we can go to Dalmer's and have a bite to eat. Viking Style. Stay tuned and I'll tell y'all about what that fucker Panacci missed on Saturday.

In the news this week. Dirty mexican flu. Pirate sentenced. Sam Morse's Birthday. btmt deejays. That's right. We have finally decided to push the band in the right direction. Sorry for all those that we forgot to inform prior to the party. Lets just say it was a pandemic of awesome. Everyone was infected and some of us got sick. Vomitting sick. As if we were in a sea of legend and motion sickness suddenly initiated some magical pirate morse code of vomit--vomit--stop--vomit. We sailed the high seas atop a crowd of onlookers who waited for awesome to come on as we started our set around four thirty. Alas, our powers of awesome were too great and the stereo could not handle the amazing music we were about to dole on to our unsuspecting audience, as the crunch of the transformer was felt, so too was our pride, and we walked away, solemnly wishing for our ethereal existence to vanish amidst a group of our peers. But we are not ghosts. Because they cannot play music or sing. And we can.

For those of you who would like a condensed version. Speakers blew. People threw up. Great party. btmt is not a ghost band.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ndeur Graphic

Speaking of shoes. These shoes stay on my feet.

Round Two.

Here we go again. Changing perception is what the goal of my everyday seems to be as I grow in and out of maturity. Imagine yourself in my shoes, as I imagine myself in yours, a constant struggle of self-identification in a plethora of optional options, added additives and personality derivatives, inevitably forming from the bias of every person I've every been exposed to experientially, physically, and emotionally. How different would an experience of simulated homosexuality be different if not initially explaining the experiment four months ago to a group of my peers. The tease, the joke, the horrible nature and planning that goes into years of planned self-torture and social manipulation.

This is why I had chosen not to speak to anyone in the initial years of school, my massive loss of interest in life has caused the cessation of any real connection to any individual, with the exception of one. This cessation has allowed for the amazing potential to mess with the perception of any individual that I feel needs exposure to the strange phenomenon of post-modern conceptions of individualism and self-identification. I've come under scrutiny for my ability to blatantly lie and fabricate stories with sarcasm and backstory, you know, because people hate to be lied to. Unfortunately for all of us, I feel as though we all lie every day, and ad hominem I would say you cannot contradict me. As a corollary to the argument, I would like here to interject within my argument about the residual poser effect. A kind of "MPD" for non-schizoids who have lost the ability to identify their personalities in groups of their peers and are often separated from the individual ideals when introduced to a group who have differing opinions and ideas. You are your peers, as your peers are you.

I was reading more recently an article referring to the ENTP, and how one with this personality type caters only to himself garnering attention from others only interested in their part as an audience to the play that is his life. Welcome to the show.

Shout-out to Carolyn's friend Ndeur Graphic and his awesome shoes which I envy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get Back The Covers

Its feels so unnatural having to say your own name.

I am effectively self-patronizing myself with this one. New idea. Say you have watched a film a hundred times. You have seen that same film every time, with the exception of the circumstances in which you are watching it. This in fact makes every time in which you are watching a film different. How we judge and perceive films becomes influenced by every aspect of the environment in which we are viewing it. It seems obvious at first that one will have a different reaction to a film seen in the theatre versus a computer screen due to visual quality etc. but what about the meal you had before that film. Or maybe you had a bad breakup and you watch Annie Hall. How are these infinite number of variables affecting one's psychological and physiological makeup at the time of perception? Would someone choose to watch Aliens after having abdominoplasty? Most of the movies I have seen, I have already been exposed to a predecessor with a similar script or idea, without any real innovation in the making of the film. Everything inevitably has some previous media acting as an allegory for the film, and most of us can recognize it as we watch it. This brings me to the idea of "covering" songs, and a question of whether or not one can properly re-interpret or "cover" a film, and how the quality and experience of the film becomes entirely different after it has been "redone". This layering of visual and auditory history becomes different with every iteration of a cover. Say one decides that they are going to "cover" a "cover". Where do the intellectual property rights become negated? If one is covering a cover, it becomes very difficult to differentiate between the original material, the material that is re-interpreted, and the re-interpretation of that re-interpreted material. Do I have to pay "the dan band," or "bonnie tyler". Not that these are realistic concerns, I just thought it was a neat idea.

As a completely separate corollary, I was wondering to what extent one could manipulate and re-interpret a film so that it becomes unique from the original work. If I take a popular movie with an extremely linear storyline and re-organize the elements of the film in a different order, is it enough. What if you find out Darth Vader is Luke's father in the first five minutes of empire strikes back. How much would this change one's interpretation of the film? Or would it remain the same because of one's previous knowledge of the film if it has been watched previously?

As a public service announcement, I would like to let everyone know that you're not allowed to use the word "coloured" anymore.

Sunday, April 5, 2009