Hey all you psychos with guns. Guess who will be attending the next presentation of btmt. You guessed it. Awmp. Those plagiarists are plagiarizing our smash hit from our first performance and taking it for their own. Some people just don't know when or how to stop copying other bands ideas and making them their own. Remember, when using a sniper rifle, aim directly for the eye, nose, ear, mouth as these are nominal areas of ballistic penetration due to the absence of any real bone, substituting cartilage and muscle in place of bone matrices. btmt does not advocate the use of any weapon in any situation, including band presentations or after-after parties.
We've just discovered that Panacci is now on the up and up, praising the band for its genius and ingenuity. We would like to thank our fans for converting that no-talent asshat into a blind sheep like the rest of you who clearly have no ears or eyes of any use. Rock on fans, may your lives be less awesome then ours forever! Send you straight to the moon.
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