We would like to take this time to announce that Ian Huff is a fuckass.
Thanks to Audiomulch we have been able to waste half our day not making anything good at all. In fact, the only productive thing that happened today was the above image generated for a class we're taking. ACID! ACID! ACID! Flashbacks are great literary devices for telling your friends funny anecdotes like the following.
I don't really know much about interpreting dreams but there is one in particular that has always caused curiosity. I am riding a unicorn that has the ability to fly. I am outside my parents window. It is winter. Then out of nowhere a bear appears. I don't know the name of the bear, but he appears to have some vendetta against me. He leaps into the air hurling his furry body towards me on the flying unicorn who I have come to know as Pablo. Pablo and I avoid the bear's attempt at injury amazingly, but now the bear can also fly and we are forced to duel outside the window of my parents window. All of the sudden I look right and my parents are having sex on their queen bed outfitted with velour sheets which are red and silky smooth. I am thrown forth from Pablo and become impaled on his majestic singular horn, dying slowly in agony as the bear who has now identified himself as Maximillion the Bear feasts upon my entrails as I watch in horror. I awake in a hospital bed and everything appears back to normal, but then I remember that I'm not supposed to be in a hospital. As I lift up my head from the pillow I feel something sticky on the rear of my skull, as it tugs me back as I achieve a sitting up position. I reach back behind my head and realize that there is a gaping hole, dripping with pus and blood. My view is now forward recessing backward through the vital organ of consciousness, and I am in third person perspective outside my body viewing the wound from behind my skull. And that's the story of how I escaped the bear.
oh i think i remember this story, i believe it was "The Never Ending Story" you have a great memory! :)
ReplyDeletehahaha. Artax's story ended.